Connecting Our Community To Christ


Stanley PH Church Sanctuary Choir & Band

The Stanley PH Church has always been so blessed with great music even from the very beginning. We are so thankful to have a 60+ member choir and great musicians.
Our Choir and Musicians minister every Sunday in both our 9 AM and 11 AM services.
We have several special events each year, including our Easter and Christmas Musicals.
Occasionally, the choir will host a Night of Worship on a Saturday or Sunday evening
and sing a various events in the community.

Watch Our Latest Musical Below

Looking to be a part of the sanctuary choir?

1. Being in the SPHC Choir is not only a time commitment, but also a spiritual one.
Being a part of the worship ministry deserves your full commitment.

2. You must attend SPHC for at least 6 months before auditioning for the choir.

3. An audition before the Music & Worship Pastor and three current choir members is required.

Want to know more information?

Contact Our Music and Worship Pastor Below.