How it all started...
In the early 1930’s a small group of Stanley Christians gathered in their homes to worship. The seeds of a large, influential and anointed church were being planted. Four preachers led these prayer meetings and filled in when they were available: Rev JR Hopkins, Rev JA Blackwell, Rev CE Bowen, and Rev Wilkes Williamson. This church became known as the “Mission.” In 1935 the group organized and chartered as a Church and conducted services in Joe Carswell’s storehouse located on Mauney and Sunset streets in Stanley. Rev Hopkins and Rev Blackwell began regularly alternating services and they held two Sunday services, one Wednesday night service and one Saturday night service. Average attendance was 20-25 people and the average offering was 15-25 cents.

Expanding the vision...
Later on, Stanley PHC would out-grow building after building, and continue to expand. Seen on the left is our current worship space. This is where we worship the Lord and hear from his word every Sunday. We are blessed to be able to worship in such a unique sanctuary each and every Sunday.
Where we are headed...
We are always looking for more ways to reach more people for Jesus Christ. We would love to have you join us as we reach the lost and serve our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Use the Contact Us button at the top of this page to get connected with our church. You can also view different places to get involved under our Ministries tab.
Use the Contact Us button at the top of this page to get connected with our church. You can also view different places to get involved under our Ministries tab.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:45 AM!