Connecting Our Community To Christ

Disney - The Shift From Dreamland To The Land Of Make-Believe

Please take a moment to click the link included with my article this week to you. Prager University said the following this week: “Executives and producers at the Walt Disney Company said during a recent internal meeting that there will be a renewed effort to make leading characters in films and shows gay or transgender, with one talking about how she (Karey Burke, president of Disney General Entertainment Content) has been working to enact a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” in several programs.” [Zachary Stieber covers U.S. and world news. He is based in Maryland. Prager News]

We are not only in a Cultural War in our day, but we are in a life and death struggle in the Morality War as well for the minds and souls of our children. I feel called of the Lord to inform our church as much as I can about what is going on in our world and what you can do, as Christians, to protect your families and to lead your children in truth and righteousness before the Lord.

Thank you for taking a look at the following article from Denison Forum as you protect your households and lead your families in these dangerous times

Blessings, Pastor.

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