Connecting Our Community To Christ

How To Respond To A Broken Culture

Hello everyone,

What do you do when the culture seems more and more antagonistic toward our faith, how do you respond?

When we're labeled intolerant or narrow-minded or even dangerous, the way we respond speaks volumes about what we truly believe.

And we've been given both instructions and precedence on living fruitfully in an anti-Christian culture.

That's one reason I encourage you to request your copy of our latest book, How to Bless God by Blessing Others: Words of Wisdom from the Early Church to Christians Today.

We're hardly the first generation to wrestle with what it means to live out our faith and advance God's kingdom in a culture that has little interest in helping us do either.

Whether it was the Christians who lived under the Roman Empire or those who helped to spark an awakening of America's dying relationship with God in the past, the key to their approach was learning to be a blessing to the culture without requiring the culture to bless them in return.

What can we learn from their example? How can we apply their wisdom today? That's the insight, even the blueprint in Dennison’s Book: How To Bless God By Blessing Others

Blessings, Pastor.

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